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Do you know what happens if you get less sleep for just one night?
There are often nights when you don’t get proper sleep, yet you still have to go through the day’s tasks efficiently. Sometimes, the day...
Today is the day to change the password
What is the most important asset in a technology-dependent lifestyle, on which the security of everything from personal life to the global system relies?...
Learn 12 unknown facts about Bill Gates’ girlfriend, Paula Hurd
Bill Gates, one of the world's most successful tech entrepreneurs and businessmen, has admitted that his divorce from Melinda Gates was one of the...
Why Does A Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Occur?
The intricate network of blood vessels in our brain supplies blood to it. These blood vessels branch into two sections. As blood flows, increased...
What should mothers who breastfeed their babies eat?
From birth, all the nutritional, growth, and developmental needs of a baby can be met by breast milk. Although the baby starts consuming other...
Why does psoriasis worsen in winter, and what is the solution?
Psoriasis is a long-term skin condition that causes red, thick, and silvery scales to form on the skin. When the scales are removed, blood...
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Do you know what happens if you get less sleep for...
There are often nights when you don’t get proper sleep, yet you still have to go through the day’s tasks efficiently. Sometimes, the day...